Starting with version 1.5f0, this section will give more technical info on the bugs fixed (or features added) in the various releases of FinderPop.
1.6.5, 16 Jun 98
窶「 Fix stupid Prefs bug.
Doing a 窶廨etString(-4048)窶 to get the name of the FinderPop Prefs file is unlikely to work when the FinderPop control panel isn窶冲 open.
1.6.4, 09 Jun 98
窶「 The more haste, the less speed.
Don窶冲 create dummy front window for balloon help hackery if we窶决e being called from within Standard File (i.e., a contents popup.) ResEdit apparently gets its knickers in a twist and reports all files chosen from a FinderPop contents popup as being 窶彭amaged beyond repair窶. (It窶冱 lying, they窶决e fine.)
1.6.3, 08 Jun 98
窶「 A few features more.
Try to make those little info balloons for files a bit more consistent. Not 100% successfully, but close. For some reason balloons weren窶冲 being displayed if the mouse was anywhere inside the current app窶冱 front window (despite the fact that the mouse is tracking a menu.) The obvious workaround 窶 create a dummy front window just south of Tierra Del Fuego for the duration of the _PopupMenuSelect 窶 seems to work OK. Option-clicking a process from the process menu will hide the current app prior to switching. Command-clicking the file list in a standard file dialog box now works regardless of the setting of the 窶廣uto CMM Popup delay窶 窶 another one of those 窶廛oh!窶 bugs...
1.6.2, 15 May 98
窶「 Bugfixes.
Set the zone to the SystemZone() before I call NewIconGetterProc(). Fixes crasher if the app zone in which we happened to be at the time this was called gets nuked (e.g., Finder quits.)
Fix FinderPop/StandardGetFile bug: the 窶彭ummy yourData窶 filefilter function needs to return 0 if the item being considered is a directory.
Only switch to Finder when the item we窶况e opened is a cdev, a clipping or a clipboard.
1.6.1, 10 May 98
窶「 Still more bugfixes.
Prefs startup/shutdown possible problem fixed. New slogan 窶 窶廚lick Different窶, courtesy of Nathan Labhart. Add option to not colourise an item窶冱 text if it has a label (any icon will always be label-coloured.) Don窶冲 ignore the 窶弃opup Near窶ヲ窶 settings. Install _MenuHook for _ContentsSelect so we handle 窶廨rabbing窶 and the usual Get Info/Move to Trash/Show in Finder modifier key chords...
1.6.0, 29 Apr 98
窶「 More bugfixes.
Infinite-loop alias resolution bug fixed (resolving an alias to an alias to the first alias 窶 there are some sick people out there :-)
New implementation of icon gathering/drawing routines to avoid clashes with an app窶冱 own menu icons. You can now delete (ctrl-cmd-opt-shift) a non-disk item in the Desktop submenu. Fixed a minor hole in Preferences saving. Show the Finder窶冱 窶廣bout this Computer窶 window when the 窶廰argest Block窶ヲ窶 item is selected in the 窶弃rocesses窶 menu.
1.5.9, 13 Mar 98
窶「 More stuff to alleviate QuickKeys/PPP Menu problems (let me know!) Allow auto-CMM-popup to be configured on an a per-application basis by adding a 窶弋urn on/off FinderPop Control-free CM popup in窶 item to the Help Menu (aside: there窶冱 some truly weird stuff going on in this area :-/ )
1.5.8, 26 Feb 98
窶「 In an attempt to further improve stability, lock the MBDF and MDEF handles. Might alleviate QuickKeys/PPP Menu problems (let me know!) Fix Menuette bug by avoiding _DrawMenuBar while strange font/sizes are being used. Improve support for control-free clicking on text selections, etc., by patching the drag manager. Hmmm 窶 this could be extended still further by simply patching TextEdit窶ヲ
The 窶彜ave the Icon Cache窶 shutdownproc ShutDwnInstall flags have been changed from sdRestartOrPower | sdOnUnmount to just sdOnUnmount. Worked around crasher bug (which I'm still tracking down) 窶 having no 窶弩indows窶 submenu meant strange things could happen if you tried to launch a FinderPop item from within an app other than the Finder.
1.5.6, 30 Jan 98
窶「 Enhance the Standard File support so we work in all GetFile and PutFile situations (thanks to Jon Gotow for a kewl code snippet which helped here.) Add an optional 窶弃ut Away窶 menu item 窶 note that this does more than the Finder窶冱 similarly-named item in that it works on items you窶况e moved from one folder to any other on the same disk, rather than only items on the desktop.
1.5.5, 8 Jan 98
窶「 Enhance the Standard File support so we auto-open the chosen item for StandardGetFile, and go to the correct directory for StandardPutFile.
窶「 Add support for emboldening folder names in the FinderPop submenus.
(Actually, the styles used are configurable inside the 窶弃ref窶 resource stored in the 窶廡inderPop Preferences窶 file 窶 you窶冤l have to grab the 窶榔REF窶 template from the 窶廡inderPop窶 control panel file.)
1.5.4exa2, 5 Jan 98
窶「 Fix bug whereby I only called the caller窶冱 DialogHook procedure with null events, rendering most 窶彡ustomised窶 dialogs completely useless. Duhh.
1.5.4exa1, 2 Jan 98
窶「 Initial stab at Standard File Dialog support.
1.5.3, 8 Dec 97
窶「 Fixes the 窶廢mpty Trash窶 bug
Basically we never 窶忝eroed窶 the values returned from _ContextualMenuSelect if 窶廢mpty Trash窶 was chosen; this meant that the Finder could be told that the user selected a menu item, so people were getting all sorts of weirdness like the trash being emptied and then the 窶廛esktop Pictures窶 control panel popping open窶ヲ Whoops.
窶「 Fixes 窶廨rabbing窶 by creating a tiny one-pixel wide window at the mouse position when starting the drag. Don窶冲 ask.
窶「 Adds 窶廢mpty Trash窶 which piggybacks onto the 窶廛esktop窶 submenu code, so it窶冱 only available if the Desktop Submenu is.
窶「 We no longer display menus which are already being displayed.
窶「 Avoid overwriting the A4 register in some very rare circumstances.
窶「 Minor code tidy-up.
1.5 final
窶「 Nothing changed from 1.5f11 (other than version number.)
窶「 We no longer call _FindControl in our GNEFilter; this fixes a problem with Sleeper and probably quite a few other plugins which implement their own CDEFs. (Control Panels can be thought of as Finder plugins.)
窶「 Allow user to switch off clicking in unused menubar area. Duhh.
窶「 Redo algorithm for determining if the menubar area clicked in is, in fact, unused.
窶「 Rewrite low-level trap-patching core routines in an attempt to get FP to work correctly in apps other than the Finder. It窶冱 not too bad now, especially in conjunction with Apple窶冱 Data Detector stuff for non-CMM-aware apps.
窶「 Add Image support when dragging.
窶「 Allow Control-clicking (or clicking and holding) in unused areas of the menubar.
窶「 Hopefully fix Japanese menu font/size problems by being paranoid about SysFontFam and SysFontSize changes.
窶「 Fix problem where I was trying to find the filetype of every item in the Finder selection before popping up. If you窶囘 selected 100+ items, this could take a long time.
窶「 Fix the 窶徘opup placement窶 algorithm; now, if you have either of the 窶弃opup near Contents窶ヲ窶 or 窶弃opup near last selected item窶 checkboxes checked (in the 窶廴ore Settings窶ヲ窶 dialog), the menu should now popup in the correct position. Or close enough to it, anyway.
窶「 Problems with the 窶廛esktop窶 submenu where some folders were marked 窶忖navailable.窶 This was caused by a moronic programmer error (aren窶冲 they all) where I blithely assumed that every disk had items on the desktop.
窶「 Fix a problem where the wrong icons may have been used for certain disks in the 窶廡inder Windows窶 submenu.
窶「 We now check the Preferences setting before setting the italic attribute for aliases.
窶「 Hopefully fixes the weird menu font and size problems that some people were seeing. I tried about five different ways to fix it, before finally remembering the way the old comms toolbox MDEF did it. It also helps to undo one窶冱 changes to SysFontFam/SysFontSize before MenuHook is called. E.g., by MenuTasker.
窶「 Implement 窶廛esktop窶 submenu 窶 will now optionally list all items on the desktop.
窶「 The ObjectSupportLib 窶廚ouldn窶冲 prepare code fragment窶 startup errors which some people were getting should now be fixed. I still don窶冲 know what窶冱 going on as I have never been able to reproduce the bug myself; but I moved all of the FinderPop Applescript code to 68K-land, which means we no longer link against ObjectSupportLib.
Of course, it might be that we窶冤l now start failing to prepare InterfaceLib
窶 say, turly, why are you such a pessimist?
窶「 Freeware again. Remove registration dialogs, etc.
窶「 Fix cosmetic bug in Process menu when generic mini icons were being used.
窶「 Fix generic mini icon for System/Finder.
窶「 Changed 窶弖olumes窶 to 窶廛esktop窶 pending testing of Finder Dekstop code.
窶「 Fix problem where not having a 窶弃rocesses窶 submenu made FinderPop accidentally ignore items chosen from an embedded FinderPop menu. Doh! Thanks to Stephen Giles for telling me about this one.
窶「 To avoid clashing with the Finder窶冱 窶彡lick-and-a-half窶 spring-loaded folder mechanism for exploring a hierarchy, the minimum auto-CMM popup delay is pinned to whatever your double-click speed is; double-click speed is selectable in the Mouse control panel.
窶「 A crashing bug 窶 which was exacerbated by the presence of Adobe Type Reunion 窶 was zapped.
窶「 Added the 窶廡inderPop Items Folder窶 to the 窶廡inder Windows窶 submenu 窶 this allows you quick access to that folder when you窶决e not displaying the FinderPop Items in a submenu (i.e., when they窶决e embedded/inlined directly in the main popup menu.) Also added a 窶廡inderPop窶 entry to the Processes submenu to allow quick and easy opening of the FinderPop control panel. If anyone really objects to these features, let me know.
窶「 The 窶廡inder Windows窶 submenu now lists windows other than the normal disk-related ones; it is now possible to select a control panel, a 窶呂opy Progress窶 dialog or the 窶榔references窶 dialog 窶 basically, any non-disk window in the Finder窶冱 layer.